Monday, April 14, 2008

tsoynamis in jars

We have a vegan restaurant here called "green". The 'a' is in bold because it is the only vegan restaurant in phoenix. Well....Vegetarian house might be one too...but this is a huge city! There should be more! My point is, there is no other place like 'green' in the valley. It used to be called 'veggie fun' and it had an eclectic ambiance. The decor included a mix of elvis paraphenelia, sports equipment and little fake veggies hanging from the walls and ceiling. Some new owners came in, changed the name, and improved the decor just a bit. Now they boast nontoxic paints, stains, countertops and even insulation... most of which was probably purchased at our one store for these items, "aka green". The walls contain local art and for those who choose to read it, a meaningful story...painted right on the wall!
The dessert specialty here is a soy version of the DQ Blizzard called a tsoynami. I dont advocate eating soy unless it is fermented, but this sure is a special treat! MMMmmmmm , the ginger O snap with toffee flavor is so good! The best part is........ we enjoyed them in our jars!
*****even our best "green" eatery here has a way to go compared to so many places in the NW. They could use more nondisposables, offer recycling and composting, etc.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I SO want to try those....